Pyongyang Patent & Trademark Agency (PPTA) 


Pyongyang Patent & Trademark Agency (PPTA) is the oldest and largest IP law firm in the DPR Korea. 

 It first appeared as the founder of the intellectual property(IP) profession in our country with establishing on the 23 March 1982. There is our country's accession to several international treaties and conventions relating to the IP in the period between 1974 and 1980 in the background of the establishing.

At present it is the largest leading IP law firm in the country, having more than 120 staffs and sophisticated business equipments. It is representing a host of clients ranging from individual inventors to world giant multinationals from some 70 jurisdictions. Typically about 60 per cent of the IP cases in the DPR Korea are handled every day by PPTA. Dr. Li Yong, newly appointed our director general, is strongly accomplishing his own creative idea for activation of business. The the idea covers wide area including agencies in the fields of joint adventure, finance and accounts as well as the IP and service offering technical information and program products for office process.   

The firm is just a mix of experienced veterans who have established the current IP practice standards and ardent young people who want to go always ahead. Their very professionalism combined with high spirit of innovation constitutes the firm's cutting edge enabling PPTA to enjoy continued good will with their clients. They take it as their mission to make better IP world in cooperation with colleagues and clients. 

Agency Data

Agency Name  Pyongyang Patent and Trademark Agency
Date of Establishment  23 March 1982


Main Office  - Post: P.O.Box 6, Pyongyang, DPR Korea
 - Courier: Sungri St. 3-7, Central District, Pyongyang, DPR Korea
 - Fax: 850-2-381-4021
 - Tel: Int. Operator 00850-2-18-222, -444, -888
             Extension No. 381-8387
Branch Office  -Post:  1-3-39, Taishido, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo, 154-0004, Japan
 - Fax: +81-3-5486-7646
 - Tel: +81-3-5486-5171
 - E-Mail:
Kinds of business  - IP-relevant agency
 - Joint-venture agency
 - Financial and account agency
 - technology  transfer
Director General   Dr. Li Yong
The total Number of Staffs  Over 120 members

History of our Agency

- Pyongyang Patent & Trademark Agency as the only IP-relevant firm in the period of 1982 to 1993.

(1) The first stage(1982-1985): Foundation stage

. Making a fundamental framework for the business (Initial member: 8 members)
. Making various forms and amounting fees
. Application case number in 1982: Patent-4 cases, Trademark-10 cases
. Practical contacts with Several agencies in Eastern Europe and WIPO

(2) The second stage(1986-1994): Specialization stage

. Reorganization of set ups
. Deciding work tasks of our agency
. Structuring material foundation and warming up of agency business

(3) The third stage(1995-): Modernization stage

. Completion of set ups
. Enlargement of business
. Continuous enforcement of material foundation 


